A Letter from our Founder Julius Achon

April 20, 2020

Dear Friends, 

            I hope this letter finds all of you safe and in good health. Grace, our children and I are well. We thank God that coronavirus has not reached us, and we pray that our American family – our supporters – are also well.

            This is a trying time around the globe, a time when we must trust and depend on each other, but most of all on God. With that trust, we will weather the storm.

            Here in Uganda we are quarantined. For some of us this is not a problem, but for others it is very trying, because they are low on food. They earn money day-to-day, so the situation for them is very challenging. The government has intervened by distributing food, but it is not a total solution to this very big problem.

            Coronavirus is starting to stress our healthcare system, even though there have not been that many cases in Uganda. Those of you who have been to Uganda know that we don’t have many ambulances; some people have resorted to using wheelbarrows to bring sick family members to clinic.

            Fortunately, Kristina Health Center has not been impacted by coronavirus. Our staff there is ready for it, though: They already wear masks and gloves all the time, and they screen everyone who comes to the clinic. They continue to deliver babies, and to treat other problems, like malaria and injuries from accidents.

            Coronavirus is a big problem, but we people of Uganda have faced even bigger problems, like war and poverty. We are strong people, and with your help, we will get through this.

            I know that the situation is difficult in America, so I appreciate your ongoing support. Right now I encourage you to pray, and to hope, and then this too shall pass. One day we will tell our grandchildren about this: that we were strong, and that we stuck together during this difficult time.

            Again, thank you for your support. Please take care of yourselves, so that you can also take care of AUCF. You have already made a difference in the community of Otuke in Northern Uganda, and I know you will continue to do so.

            God bless you, and God bless Uganda and America.
